Special Hekate Altar Icon with Her Sigil, the Straphalos, engraved on the base (optional), with a laser engraved image of the Greek Goddess on the main altar piece. That piece slides into a base that acts as a small altar for offerings such as candles, a drink, incense, or something else that Hekate would appreciate.
*Other gods/goddesses are available! We're still getting our listings up on our shop so if you want another deity just check in with us! *
Each icon (3.5" x 7") is sold with a pouch that the pieces can slide into for travel. The pouch is large enough to also hold a few other small implements.
The red altar depicted is priced for the more expensive imported padauk wood and it should remain a deep natural red, even darkening more over time. It's getting harder and harder for us to get in the right thickness of wood so the imported wood is going to fluctuate in both price and availability. Right now we have a very limited quantity at hand.
The wood on our icons is shellacked, hand sanded, then sealed with a wood balm produced and sold by RareEarth with all natural ingredients.
Hekate Altar Icon $34.95 to $54.95
- altarware, travel, icon, altar, statue, portable, paganism, Hekate, Hecate, Crossroads, Goddess, Greek, key
- Wood, fabric